What is Zonta?

Zonta International is a leading global organization of professionals empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy.

The members of the Zonta Club of Mineral Wells are committed to the support and well-being of our community, our club, and ourselves, by improving the status of women and upholding the Objects of Zonta, which are to:

  • Improve the legal, political, economic, health, educational and professional status of women at the global and local level through service and advocacy;
  • Work for the advancement of understanding, goodwill, peace through a world fellowship of executives in business and the professions;
  • Promote justice and universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms;
  • Be united internationally to foster high ethical standards, implement service programs, and provide mutual support and fellowship for members who serve their communities, their nations and the world.


The Zonta Club of Mineral Wells meets for a program meeting on the first Thursday and a business meeting on the third Thursday of most months at the Holiday Hills Country Club.

Why Should I Join?

As a member of Zonta, you have opportunities to make a contribution to local and international service projects that improve the status of women; to become acquainted and make friends with like-minded women in your community and in other parts of the Zonta world; to establish a network of business contacts; to use, learn, and improve leadership skills; and in the process, to have fun!