Membership shall be drawn from women and men with experience in a recognized business or profession. Candidates must be willing to actively support and implement the Objects of Zonta International.
Membership in a Zonta Club is by application or invitation. Members of Zonta Clubs are actively engaged or have experience in a decision-making capacity in a recognized business or profession. Zonta Clubs ability to extend an invitation may be affected by several factors, including internal guidelines for representation of a variety of professions.
If you are a professional or a business executive, and are interested in becoming a member of a Zonta Club in your area, complete the Prospective Member Questionnaire and the membership will contact you shortly.
What is Expected of a Member?
Members are responsible for regularly attending club and relevant committee meetings. You must pay all dues promptly. You may be called upon to serve in leadership roles and give your time, talent, and enthusiasm to the organization. You are also responsible for identifying and recommending prospective new members. You are encouraged to attend Area, District, and International meetings, workshops, conferences, and conventions.
Officers - Zonta Club of Mineral Wells
- Pat Bazzell - President
- Nikki Bossaller - Vice President
- Kacy Dow - Treasurer
- Dacey Malone - Secretary
- Ex- Officio - Judy Gayler